Summer Country
Monday, February 02, 2004
Still reading books on the Galapagos, Margaret Wittner's Floreana, I haven't
been able to put down! and the 2003 book by Michael D'Orso, Plundering Paradise (The Hand of Man on the Galapagos Islands) a sobering look
at what might change the Galapagos from the "economy of eternity"
to the "economy of the moment".**

**as Barbara Kingsolver notes in her fbook Last Stand American Virgin Lands
wrote: It is difficult for the human enterprise to stand back from it's urgent agenda and see how the economy of the moment undercuts the economy of eternity"

A wonderful Letter from the Galapagos - Professor George Seddon
(originally article was first published in Best Australian Essays 2001, Peter Craven, Ed. Black Inc Press, ISBN 186 395 09 15,) can be viewed at:

This is a wonderful summation and summary of many of the books I
have been reading as well as explaining in great detail much of the
realities of our actual time in the Galapagos and what we saw on the
islands, although we were in a smaller group.

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